I'll be fixing links and making the site easier to navigate. Please be patient.
In the meanwhile, why not read my webcomic?
Like The Sun Loves The Moon
Like the Sun Loves the Moon is a webcomic that started September 2017.
It is a story that is heavily inspired by the myth of Hades and Persephone, containing a lot of artistic freedom when it comes to the myth and overall plot of the comic itself.
In addition, it is a furry comic, with a M/M main pairing. The pairing consists of a furrified vampire OC and Bakugou Katsuki from MHA/BNHA, so technically it is an OC/Canon pairing.
There are also other characters from MHA featured as various Gods and creatures, as well as characters that are my friends' OCs.
The comic has been on a break since 2021, but I do have plans to continue it, albeit very slowly.
Raiting: Mature
Fantasy violence, swearing, nudity, eventual sex, death and/or near death experiences, noncon elements, size difference, age difference, abuse and/or neglect, bad choices, manipulation, forced marriage...