Welcome, my fellow Curses and Sorcerers!

You have stumbled upon my domain within the confines of the internet. On this site, you will be able to see art I have created, as well as comics I've made or am working on.

The art will mostly contain M/M, but there will be occasionally some M/F stuff as well. My kink list is as long as all fuck, so there is going to be all kinds of stuff to peep at. Fear not, I will put a warning on the thumbnail or in the hover-text, so you can avoid content you don't want to see! But do keep in mind, this is page is for Adults and in the end, you are responsible of yourself.

Otherwise: Welcome, once again! Hope you enjoy your stay. Feel free to say Hi on my Retrospring! c:


Added more pages of the Like the Sun Loves the Moon comic


Added a Drawing to the 2023 section in the JJK gallery.


- Added Chapter 2 on the comic Like the Sun Loves the Moon.
- Added 2 links in Youtube channels I listen to, in the Links section.
- Updated a few links to art and comic pages (something I work on slowly).

Let me know if any links are broken!


A drawing into JJK gallery,
and a drawing into the Animanga NSFW gallery!
Also in the process of updating links. So let me know if something doesn't work!

My life is a mess atm, so I'm drawing when I can what I can. Trying to find a new, and hopefully better, job at the same time.


- Two Goyuu drawings into the JJK gallery
- Two drawings into the Other gallery
- Bunch of art into the Furry gallery
- Bunch of art into the Animanga NSFW gallery
- Some fodder to the furry NSFW gallery as well!

So yeah, this was an art heavy update. Bunch of old art from years prior, and a few newer things!


- Two drawings into the gallery Other
- One drawing into the gallery Jujutsu Kaisen
- The prologue to Your Name, My Name
- Fixed the pages for Chapter 1 of Like the Sun Loves the Moon

So I put off making this update, since it felt silly adding every day one update line, but now I had some more to add so here we is. My work also starts today again (good bye vacation, you'll be missed...), but I will be working on art and such more. Also going to continue putting videos to my YouTube, and if so is, I'll definitely do some art videos as well!


- Like the Sun Loves the Moon, chapter one is now out; a total of 26 pages!

I will add more pages later on, as well as character introductions, doodles, etc. I have 4 full chapters done, and like a 3rd of the 5th. So there are going to be content, definitely. Sadly the comic is on a break, but there are plans to continue it, since I love the story I have planned out.


- Art into 'Other'
- Art into JJK
- Section for longer comics added

Nothing huge this update, but a few more art pieces are dropped in.


Vacation time.

- New layout
- 1 art into 'other'
- changelog added.
- Bunch of art into the JJK gallery, as well as the NSFW one!
- Added a 'Short comics' category with a lil summin-summin~

For the moment I'm on my second half of my vacation. Whipped up a new layout, as it looked like the previous one was kerfucked. Using my own art on this one. You can peep the drawing in the gallery "other".

I'm trying to decide whether I want to keep certain galleries, or not. I've not drawn for them in a long while, so who knows. What I have decided, however, is to not bring over all my old art from 2016 -->, since it just made me hate myself to go through all the folders and see how little time I nowadays have to do any art. So go peep at my art over the years in the social medias I've linked on this site.

Added a changelog, where you will be able to see previous layouts.

The content on this website is created for ADULTS ONLY, and it may include material some viewers may find offensive. All characters depicted are fictional; no living being was/is harmed during the creation of the content of this page. Any resemblance to real life is purely coincidental. The actions/words/values of the characters do not reflect those of the artist's own. The artist does also not condone to the behaviour depicted in art.



Original template is from Free-CSS.com || Edits to the code are done by me (Ninnie). || Art © Ninnie 2016 - 2025.